Sunday, April 27, 2008


Even if you do not agree with the candidates on a single issue. You still have to agree with the fact that this presidential and the past presidential election have and will be good for are country. No, no I'm not saying the results of the last election were desirable in anyway. But we had one of the highest turnouts to last years presidential election and the odds are the turnout for this election will be even higher. It is about time that people started taking part in the presidential election. After all we are electing the most powerful person in the country. we should have more than a minority of the country taking part in it. Hopefully that even in the next elections that are not so full of excitement and history we will be able to sustain the enthusiasm for the election

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Room Temperature

RE:Room Temperature

I agree with Beth it is impossible for the school to try and accomidate all the students living in the residence halls. Students have other options to them. They could live in Emerson that has AC if they are not able to take this hot weather which is only in the 70s by the way. At night it cools down and is very breeezy. Are students really that lazy to simply open and close there window. If you get hot open it, and if your cold close it. Also most students have fans on campus. If you get hot simpy open your windown and turn on the fan. That cools down the room quite well. It is impossible for the school to be able to please every student. If they make the rooms colder students will complain about how cold they are

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Re: Re: SASP loves pee-ers

I understand the need for SASP, but not in the capacity that it is used. I believe that they should be more of a safety force rather than more of a want to be pathetic police force. If SASP simply went out on patrols making sure that there are no passed out students or students being harmed around campus they would get a lot more done. If students needed any help or anything they would be more willing to contact SASP when in trouble. SASP needs to realize that students are in college, yes they are going to drink, yes they are going to party. Just because they choose not to, does not mean they should ruin it for other students. The cops on campus know students are going to drink and party to and are pretty lenient with students. So why does SASP not understand this??

I believe in our teachers

Why does the New York State Board of Education require all classes to have finals. That is just kind of ridiculous. I believe that if the board got rid of this silly little requirement the majority of teachers would still give finals if they thought that it was in the best interest of the students ability to learn the subject. But face it there are just some classes were finals are not really needed. For example a writing class. If you are just writing papers, what would you be tested on in a final.....??? Glad to see you are as stumped as I am on that one. I'm taking 5 classes and only have one real final. I have two presentations, one take home test, one finals worth half a test grade(we took 5 tests in that class so that final is worthless) and finally one real final in math. The State Board of Education does not mandate how a teacher is to grade there classes. They do not require a certain amount of tests or quizzes. So why should they require a final. This is simply a case of the man trying to keep us down.

End of the year

Wow it is hard to believe it, the school year is almost over. In less than three weeks I will be on a train home. I remember back when I was a 5th grader in elementary school about to move on to middle school thinking wow these years have gone by so fast. I rember having the exact same thoughts during my middle school graduation ceremony and my high-school graduation ceremony. It is kind of exciting and scary at the same time to realize just how fast the next three years of college will go by. After that it is on to the real world. Job, rent, and no more being able to do whatever you want all the time. At the same time though it will be exciting to start your adult life. I realize the most important thing is to just enjoy the college experience as much as possible

Sunday, April 13, 2008

More Weather

RE:More Weather

I totally agree. One nice bonus is that we actually think the beautiful warm 55 degree weather were having, actually feels warm and beautiful. Although I gotta say I would rather be able to consider 55 degree weather cold. I guess it is nice to try and find a good side to having winter weather like the whole year. You need to be able to find positives to survive in the weather we have up here. I heard all the horror stories before I came up here about how bad the weather was and how it last soooooooo llllooonngg. I dismiseed all of them as horror stories, but Imust say after living through it and proudly surviing it, the stories were true. Over spring break it was nice to be able to go home and have 65 and sunny weather. I was able to wear shorts outside. I had not been able to do that in so long, all my friends thought I was crazy when I told them. That, that was the first time I had worn shorts outside since the summer

signing up for classes

It is time for the school to change the way that kids register for classes. Currently it is a free for all method with all the students from each grade trying to sign in at 7am and picking there classes. A few problems with that are, are excellent server Homerconnect cant handle all that traffic. And it randomly boots kids off. Also there are certain classes that students are required to take at a certain time. Are wonderful school has not figured out that if X amount of students has to take a certain class all at the same time that they need that many spots in the class. Yes, yes I know it seems pretty simple, and it is. Once again students in the business school are forced to beg teachers to get overrrides for Financial Accounting because the bright people who plan out how many sections will be taught did not have the bright idea to look up how many students were required to take it. But it is okay, simple algebra can be pretty hard some time.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I woke up this morning and decided to write a random post. Although I guess it is not to random because I am writing about the weather today. The way to make this a much better place would be to figure out how to control the weather. This lovely Sunday morning it is supposed to be 63 and sunny. That is as close to perfect weather as were going to be able to get in Ithaca. I must say I am pretty happy with it to. I'm definitely tired of it being 30 degrees and snowing during the spring time. So lets all give a hand to mother nature for giving us this beautiful weather.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Eliott Spitzer

RE: Eliott Spitzer

I agree with the post by Cory. How stupid is Eliott Spitzer???? He was caught the same way that he had caught other criminals. Did he just think that because he was the govenor he was above suspicsion. He made financial transactions that seemed suspicious and I guess they are. Did he not think that his financial transactions and other actions would be watched even more closely because he is a govenor, and has made many enemies by catching powerful people doing illegal actions. Nope of course not. Not only did he tear apart his family and ruin his career. He got caught by the same tactics he has used to catch numerous other criminals. I must say sometimes I find myself feeling sorry for him; with all the attention he is getting. Then I realize why would I feel sorry for him. He put his family in the spotlight and embaressed them. I must say I am suprised that his wife is willing to stick with him throughout all of this.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

March Madness

Wow what a tournament it has been so far. At the beginning of this years tournament a lot of the "experts" were saying it was going to be a tournament with almost no upsets at all. Boy were they wrong! There are two 12 seeds and two 13 seeds advancing to the second round. In fact all four of those upsets appeared at one tourney site in Tampa Bay. This is the first time this has happened in tournament history. papa bear. I was watching the pre-game to the 13 seed San Diego game vs 4 seed UCONN. The "experts were asked if they thought San Diego had a chance at advancing. They all kind of laughed and said no chance. These games are what makes the tournament so exciting. You really never know what is going to happen. No one has any idea who is going to win the championship this year. There has never been a tournament with so much parity. The only thing that is guaranteed is that we are in for an incredible exciting rest of the tournament.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Response to:TR

Does anyone else think that the new guidelines for our Ithaca email passwords is insane? Do they really think that people are going to hack into are e-mail accounts? It seems way overboard to me. The new passwords must be at least 8 character's long and contain at least one number, and at least one sign from the keyboard. The best part is you must change your password every 120 days. Are you serious? All this is going to be is the ITS getting overloaded with kids needing to know what there password is because they can't remember it. This means that in the middle of the summer we have to remember to change are passwords again. This is all just a big waste of time.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Florida and Michigan

So after punishing Florida and Michigan by taking away their delegates, people realized that this primary was going to be close. Now there is talk about allowing a re-vote and there votes to count. I think that, it is neccessary to count the votes. But another way needs to be come up with to punish these states. The problem is that it is only the Democratic Party that really messed up not the whole state. There still has to be a way to punish them though. Maybe by forcing the head of the Democratic partys in those states out of there positions. After all it was their decisions that resulted in the voters of the states having no say.

March Madness

Man, I love march madness. I love not knowing what is going to happen next and yes, I do love the gambling side of it to. I love betting and there is just something about march madness that makes it so much more exciting. It is not like most sports were you can pretty much pick what teams are going to go to the final four. Yes, yes I know that the Giants won the super bowl this year and that no one was expecting that. but usually in professional sports everyone pretty much knows who is going to win the championship and that Kind of takes the fun out of it. not so in college basketball. Every-year there are lots and lots of upsets, it is so hard to predict what is going to happen next.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ralph Nader enters race

Response to ranchreview

While I agree that Ralph Nader is a complete joke and waste of time. It is his right to run in the presidental race. I'm a Democrat and was not happy with the votes he took away from Gore in the presidental election. If the same thing happens again it is not his fault. If you are going to cast a vote you should have the ability to know who and what it is for. If people choose Nader again and choose to waste a vote that is there prerogative. Those same people should not complain though when there wasted vote leads to a president there are unhappy with.

Wireless on campus

Responding to post by eyorke1

I must say I agree with the call for a wireless campus. The cost could be coverd by just using the money students are already paying out the ass for internet and put that money forward for a wireless campus. It would make it much easier to do work outside of your room. You can get stuck in a rut being stuck in your room to use your internet to do school work. Currently are choices are the library or are room. What happens if we want to go to a friends room or sit out side and enjoy one of the rare few nice days at Ithaca. Also it would make Ithaca a more attractive option to students in High-school trying to decide were to go.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why 21?

Why is the drinking age in the U.S. 21? It used to be 18 and in the majority of countries around the world there is no drinking age. Don’t people realize that by making alcohol not illegal to kids under 21 it loses some of its luster. Sure a lot of kids would still drink it but it would not be as fun to drink. People make the argument that if your not 21 your not mature enough to drink. Does that mean kids in other countries are more mature than kids in the U.S. and more capable of making smart decisions???


What is wrong with Daniel Snyder? Why hire Jim Zorn; who is he and what gives him the experience to be a head coach. His resume is the last seven years he was the quarterbacks coach for the Seattle Seahawks. Which means he is going to be perfectly suited to make the jump to becoming a head coach. Ha-ha Exactly. At the beginning of the search for a new head coach there was a long list of candidates. However everyone thought that the Redskins assistant coach, Greg Williams would be a shoe in for the position. He had been the assistant head coach for multiple years and had helped the Redskins establish a top 10 defense consistently. However Daniel Snyder being who he is just wanted to go out and hire a big name coach. So he went out and interviewed all the big names. And all the big names said no. By this time Williams was tired of getting his chain jerked around, so he left. So that leaves the Redskins with an unproven quarterbacks coach to be the new Redskins head coach.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Nicked and Dimed

How come we have to pay for cable and internet. It seems kind of excessive. Especially when we are already playing over 40,000 a year for everything. All my friends at big, small, private, and public schools do not have to pay for cable or internet. You would think the school would have the money to provide it for us. The only “perk” that I could find that we get is we do not have to pay for printing at the library. Still even that, my friends at other schools pays an average of 5 cents to print a piece of paper. Compare that to 80 dollars a semester just for a decent internet connection. I don’t think that equals up at all.


How come states in the presidential primaries are willing to risk having no delegates to the presidential conventions just to move up their primaries? Already Michigan has been stripped of part of their delegates. In Florida the National Democratic Party stripped the state of all its democratic delegates. Making the state worthless and nullifying any importance the state was trying to gain by moving its primary up. It also disenfranchises all the state’s voters because there vote is essentially worthless. But fear not I have a solution to these problems. It’s quite a simple one to; a raffle. You put a slip of paper with each state into a hat. Someone picks out a piece of paper one at a time. Depending when their name is chosen depends on when they will have their primary. It is the simplest and fairest solution to the problem. Then if states still try to move up their primaries, they get stripped of all there delegates for that presidential primary and half of them for the next presidential primary.