Thursday, April 3, 2008

Eliott Spitzer

RE: Eliott Spitzer

I agree with the post by Cory. How stupid is Eliott Spitzer???? He was caught the same way that he had caught other criminals. Did he just think that because he was the govenor he was above suspicsion. He made financial transactions that seemed suspicious and I guess they are. Did he not think that his financial transactions and other actions would be watched even more closely because he is a govenor, and has made many enemies by catching powerful people doing illegal actions. Nope of course not. Not only did he tear apart his family and ruin his career. He got caught by the same tactics he has used to catch numerous other criminals. I must say sometimes I find myself feeling sorry for him; with all the attention he is getting. Then I realize why would I feel sorry for him. He put his family in the spotlight and embaressed them. I must say I am suprised that his wife is willing to stick with him throughout all of this.

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