Saturday, April 19, 2008


Re: Re: SASP loves pee-ers

I understand the need for SASP, but not in the capacity that it is used. I believe that they should be more of a safety force rather than more of a want to be pathetic police force. If SASP simply went out on patrols making sure that there are no passed out students or students being harmed around campus they would get a lot more done. If students needed any help or anything they would be more willing to contact SASP when in trouble. SASP needs to realize that students are in college, yes they are going to drink, yes they are going to party. Just because they choose not to, does not mean they should ruin it for other students. The cops on campus know students are going to drink and party to and are pretty lenient with students. So why does SASP not understand this??

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