Sunday, April 13, 2008

signing up for classes

It is time for the school to change the way that kids register for classes. Currently it is a free for all method with all the students from each grade trying to sign in at 7am and picking there classes. A few problems with that are, are excellent server Homerconnect cant handle all that traffic. And it randomly boots kids off. Also there are certain classes that students are required to take at a certain time. Are wonderful school has not figured out that if X amount of students has to take a certain class all at the same time that they need that many spots in the class. Yes, yes I know it seems pretty simple, and it is. Once again students in the business school are forced to beg teachers to get overrrides for Financial Accounting because the bright people who plan out how many sections will be taught did not have the bright idea to look up how many students were required to take it. But it is okay, simple algebra can be pretty hard some time.

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