Sunday, February 3, 2008


How come states in the presidential primaries are willing to risk having no delegates to the presidential conventions just to move up their primaries? Already Michigan has been stripped of part of their delegates. In Florida the National Democratic Party stripped the state of all its democratic delegates. Making the state worthless and nullifying any importance the state was trying to gain by moving its primary up. It also disenfranchises all the state’s voters because there vote is essentially worthless. But fear not I have a solution to these problems. It’s quite a simple one to; a raffle. You put a slip of paper with each state into a hat. Someone picks out a piece of paper one at a time. Depending when their name is chosen depends on when they will have their primary. It is the simplest and fairest solution to the problem. Then if states still try to move up their primaries, they get stripped of all there delegates for that presidential primary and half of them for the next presidential primary.

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