Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ralph Nader enters race

Response to ranchreview

While I agree that Ralph Nader is a complete joke and waste of time. It is his right to run in the presidental race. I'm a Democrat and was not happy with the votes he took away from Gore in the presidental election. If the same thing happens again it is not his fault. If you are going to cast a vote you should have the ability to know who and what it is for. If people choose Nader again and choose to waste a vote that is there prerogative. Those same people should not complain though when there wasted vote leads to a president there are unhappy with.

Wireless on campus

Responding to post by eyorke1

I must say I agree with the call for a wireless campus. The cost could be coverd by just using the money students are already paying out the ass for internet and put that money forward for a wireless campus. It would make it much easier to do work outside of your room. You can get stuck in a rut being stuck in your room to use your internet to do school work. Currently are choices are the library or are room. What happens if we want to go to a friends room or sit out side and enjoy one of the rare few nice days at Ithaca. Also it would make Ithaca a more attractive option to students in High-school trying to decide were to go.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why 21?

Why is the drinking age in the U.S. 21? It used to be 18 and in the majority of countries around the world there is no drinking age. Don’t people realize that by making alcohol not illegal to kids under 21 it loses some of its luster. Sure a lot of kids would still drink it but it would not be as fun to drink. People make the argument that if your not 21 your not mature enough to drink. Does that mean kids in other countries are more mature than kids in the U.S. and more capable of making smart decisions???


What is wrong with Daniel Snyder? Why hire Jim Zorn; who is he and what gives him the experience to be a head coach. His resume is the last seven years he was the quarterbacks coach for the Seattle Seahawks. Which means he is going to be perfectly suited to make the jump to becoming a head coach. Ha-ha Exactly. At the beginning of the search for a new head coach there was a long list of candidates. However everyone thought that the Redskins assistant coach, Greg Williams would be a shoe in for the position. He had been the assistant head coach for multiple years and had helped the Redskins establish a top 10 defense consistently. However Daniel Snyder being who he is just wanted to go out and hire a big name coach. So he went out and interviewed all the big names. And all the big names said no. By this time Williams was tired of getting his chain jerked around, so he left. So that leaves the Redskins with an unproven quarterbacks coach to be the new Redskins head coach.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Nicked and Dimed

How come we have to pay for cable and internet. It seems kind of excessive. Especially when we are already playing over 40,000 a year for everything. All my friends at big, small, private, and public schools do not have to pay for cable or internet. You would think the school would have the money to provide it for us. The only “perk” that I could find that we get is we do not have to pay for printing at the library. Still even that, my friends at other schools pays an average of 5 cents to print a piece of paper. Compare that to 80 dollars a semester just for a decent internet connection. I don’t think that equals up at all.


How come states in the presidential primaries are willing to risk having no delegates to the presidential conventions just to move up their primaries? Already Michigan has been stripped of part of their delegates. In Florida the National Democratic Party stripped the state of all its democratic delegates. Making the state worthless and nullifying any importance the state was trying to gain by moving its primary up. It also disenfranchises all the state’s voters because there vote is essentially worthless. But fear not I have a solution to these problems. It’s quite a simple one to; a raffle. You put a slip of paper with each state into a hat. Someone picks out a piece of paper one at a time. Depending when their name is chosen depends on when they will have their primary. It is the simplest and fairest solution to the problem. Then if states still try to move up their primaries, they get stripped of all there delegates for that presidential primary and half of them for the next presidential primary.